After the Government removed most of the debris from the wreckage a 30 foot wing section was left on top of a 300 foot plateau with the only access by foot. In the past 50 plus years many locals and out of state visitors have been to the wing section to visit. The sad part is some of the visitors were taking souvenirs LARGE piece of the wing section were being removed some by power equipment some by hacking with an Axe. At the rate it was being vandalized it wouldn't take much longer and it would not exist for future generations.
In order to preserve it a group of local Patriots considered relocating it to a controlled area where it could be set up as an memorial to the men that lost their lives serving our country. Removal started in March 2018 by clearing a road to the base of the site. With engineering support the best rout was determent for extraction to lower the wing section with minimum damage. Then the logistic of lowering it. The section is approximately 33 feet in length and about 3000 lbs in eight.The terrain was very steep with 4 plateau steps to overcome each with its own challenge.
After the team had determined the best rout of extraction it was moved to the first plateau and loweredThen it had to be moved to the next plateau by using cedar trees as anchors and using manual power to pull it into location. When it was lowered to the next plateau it became stuck on a large bolder and would not move. the wing section had to be stabilized and the rock removed. After in was in place a 500 foot cable was placed from the second plateau to the base of the hill.
The team then attached the wing section to the cable and lowered it like a zip line down the final two plateaus. It was then loaded on a trailer and moved to the old Monticello AP.